
Set Lenjerie De Pat Satin Pat Queen King Size Cearceaf 4 Piese

58,99 $

SKU: CJCZ1299728 Category:


Informa?ii importante

300 x 200 x 100 mm

Informa?ii despre produs:
Densitatea ?es?turii: 128x70
Num?r ?es?turi: 40 Proces de
imprimare ?i vopsire: altele
Proces de ?esere: altele
Model: simplu
Stil: Stil
cear?af Dimensiune pat aplicabil?: US-TwinUK-S: trei buc??i de 99x190x35cm, US-FullUK-D* 138x190x35cm
Stil: stil nordic
Tip flori: m?tase artificial? sjt- albastru regal, m?tase artificial? sjt- alb, m?tase artificial? sjt- negru, m?tase artificial? sjt- gri, m?tase artificial? sjt- ro?u vin, m?tase artificial? sjt- violet, m?tase artificial? sjt- c?mil?, m?tase artificial? sjt- Verde z?pad?, imita?ie de m?tase sjt- jad
Size specifications: US-Twin/UK-S: three sets of 99x190x35cm, four sets of US-Full/UK-D*138x190x35cm, four sets of US-Queen/UK-K*153x203x35cm, four sets of US-King*198*203*35cm ,UK-SK*180*200*35cm four-piece suit (cm)
Material: Other
Quilt surface material: other other
Quilt material: other other
Bedding technology: quilting
Packing list:
Four-piece bed*1