Informa?ii importante
M?rimea Pachetului:
100% nou-nou? ?i de înalt? calitate.
Tip: Lumin? p?trat? pentru cre?terea plantelor cu LED
Material: ABS
Dimensiune: 31 x 31 x
3,5 cm Tensiune: AC85-265V
Tip priz?: muf? EU/USA/UK/Australia
Zona de iluminare: aproximativ 8-10 metri p?tra?i
Putere: 120 wa?i Durat? de
via??: 50000 ore
Num?r de LED-uri: 1365 (1131 ro?u, 234 albastru)
Model LED: 5730
Lumeni: 5292~6300lm
Aplicabil la: Toate plantele cu flori ?i cre?terea lor, cum ar fi legumele, plantele cu flori, plantele medicinale, înflorirea ?i cre?terea în toate etapele de dezvoltare a plantelor ?i poate func?iona bine cu solu?ii apoase ?i cultivarea solului.
It can be used in house gardens, cultivation potted plants, gardens, seeding, breeding, farms, flower exhibitions, bonsai, gardens, seeding, breeding, farms, greenhouses, water-soluble breeding, pipeline cultivation, etc.
Using high-quality LED light source, life is up to 50,000 hours
Energy saving, with the same effect as HPSL (High Pressure Sodium Lamp), its power is 3-5 times that of our design, and it saves 80% of the power compared to traditional HPSL and metal halide lamps
The built-in excellent cooling system can eliminate heat dissipation problems.
The lighting area will change according to the factory and the environment, and the technical parameters will also change.
Datorit? diferitelor monitoare ?i efecte de iluminare, culoarea real? poate fi u?or diferit? de culoarea imaginii.