Informa?ii importante
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Informa?ii despre produs:
Frete: 22 frete
Gât: ar?ar canadian Diametrul gâtului
: ar?ar canadian
Culoare: galben mat
Diametrul g?urilor pentru cuie: 10 mm / 0,4 inci
Lungimea gâtului: 66,5 cm / 26,2 in
Adâncimea gâtului: aprox. 15 mm / 0,6 in (cu panou 2,3 ??cm / 0,9 in)
Adâncime toc: Aprox. 2,0 cm / 0,8 in (cu fretboard 2,6 cm / 1,0 in)
Dimensiune: Aprox. 66,5 * 5,6 * 2,5 cm / 26,2 * 2,2 * 1,0 inci
Greutatea gâtului: 630 g / 22,2 oz
About the product
1. For ST electric guitar, great replacement for your ST guitar.
2. 10mm head machine peg holes for tuner installation.
3. Adjustable truss rod has been installed at the headstock.
4. Canadian Maple wood makes the sound more Loud and clear.
5. Frets: 22 Frets, The steel pipe is wrapped in black mahogany?Bone Nut:
Packing list?
Electric guitar neck*1